We have give out 14000 Biker Bible in 2 days in Rom Italia!!
Biker Church Meeting Europe / 25 Clubs from Europe.
Prayer and fasting for Christians MC clubs in Europe from February 1-28, 2013
In the month of February, we want to concentrate on prayer and fasting for the Christian Motorcycle clubs in Europe. We also want to prepare the ”Biker Church President and Leader Summit” in Germany from February 21-24.
Prayer Request:
That the Lord will call presidents, leaders and clubs to reach out with God's Word to MC people in prison and on the streets of their home countries.
Willingness to help spread the Word of God through the Biker Bible and other targetgroup Bibles in countries that do not have the finances to produce Bibles in their languages on their own.
That the Lord will unite us in a strong vision for a missionary strategy for Europe.
Winning Europe for Christ.
That the Lord will give all clubs a strong vision to reach out to the lost.
That the Lord will make us brave to stand up for Jesus Christ and be a good example for Christians and churches in Europe.
That the Lord will give us a strong unity of love and respect for other clubs.
That we have the strength and courage to do what the Lord calls to do through our mandate.
That the Lord will speak to us in the ”Biker Church Europe President and Leader Meeting in Germany from February 21-24.
Those of you who want to participate in this prayer and fasting, please contact: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.