Dear brothers and sisters, we are now facing a new year 2013.
First, we want to thank you all Christian motorcycle clubs that have been involved in getting out over 500 000 Biker Bibles in Europe. Without Jesus and your participation and a strong network between MC clubs in Europe, this would not have been possible. Now we are facing new big challenges!

We want to put some few important things on your heart…..
Praying and fasting for Switzerland and Austria, 1-31 January 2013.
We have seen concrete answers to our prayer. Encouraged by that we will continue to pray and fast for different countries in Europe.  In the month of January, we will pray and fast for Switzerland and Austria! Take a look at the documents :Prayer for Switzerland and Austria, and the prayerlist Please send us the day you like to pray and fasting to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Biker Church European meeting in Germany 21-24 febuari 2013
Do not miss this important meeting, where presidents and leaders from all over Europe come to hear from Jesus, about his plans for Europe.  Share the vision you and your club have for your country.

See more info at Please send the registration verry soon!


Pray for distribution of the 6000 Biker Bibles / Motor Biker Expo 2013 in Verona / Italy on January 18 to 20 We will work togehter with CMA Italy, The Way, France, Streetchurch Bikers Sweden, and some members from Holy Riders, skåne.
Pray for the distribution of 3 000 Biker Biblles at the Motorcycle Fair in Stockholm on 24-27 january.

God Bless You
Roul Åkesson

2smal biker 2015

We just wanted to send out a thank you for coming to this years Biker Church Europe president and leader meeting in Warszaw in Polen. This time we where more people together than any year before. We had some precius days together – praying- inspirering each other and with oppertunerty to shear what is happening in the clubs in Europe. This gatherings also conecct and give new contacts. It is good to be family.

Our special thanks goes to Piotr, Gosia and the whole Boanerges – for their great job – serving us during the weekend!

One of the challenges we specially pointed out at the meeting, was to help and support specially the eastern countries with God Word, the Biker Bible. We wish that this tool would be availible in all European countries. Right now Bible for the Nations plans to print the Biker Bible for Bulgaria,the Check republic. Then a bit later the Biker Bible for Latvia and Rumania. It is a privilege to help and support our brothers and sisters in countries, where the financiel situation are much more difficult thant in many others of our westen countries. Thank you for all support – concerning the Biker Bible to

Those two countries. Please continue to stand with us in prayer that the restpart of the finances will come in – until the date of printing.

If you or some in your club do want to support - you can donate to Bible for the Nations… …

Postbank Dortmund Account :

IBAN DE57 4401 0046 0412 6204 62/SWIFT- BIC PBNKDEFF.

Or Plusgiro Stockholm Nr. 23 41 00-6 IBAN SE88 9500 0099 6026 0234 1006 / SWIFT-BIC NDEASESS.

Just mark it Biker Bible eastern countries, or the specific country you would like to support.

In many of our countries – specially norhtern Europe – we are just in the beginning of the bike season. We would like to stand with you in prayer – for a fruitfull time in your country, as you are trying to reach out to bikers with the testimony of Jesus Christ – our only hope!

If you have some special need, prayerrequest or outreaches – please let us know – so we can pray – and help as far as it is possible. We really would like to support the way we can.

May God bless you all – drive carefully – You are valuable

Biker Church Europe

Roul, Hanspeter, Piotr, Serge and Carlos



The outreach at INTERMOT in Cologne from October 1-5, 2014 was a great success.

Together with about 40 workers from different countries more than 17 000 Biker Bibles were given out. Most of the Biker Bibles were in German language, but we also gave away New Testaments in many other languages.

We are thankful for the great cooperation with Christian Motorcycle clubs in Europe.

The next INTERMOT will be held in 2016.

Der Bibeleinsatz auf der INTERMOT in Köln vom 1.-5. Oktober 2014 war ein großer Erfolg.

Mit ca. 40 Mitarbeitern aus verschiedenen Ländern haben wir mehr als 17 000 Biker Bibeln verteilt. Die meisten Bibeln in Deutsch, aber auch NT´s in vielen anderen Sprachen. Wir sind dankbar für die gute Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen europäischen Motorrad Clubs. Die nächste INTERMOT ist 2016.

Bibelsatsningen vid INTERMOT i Köln den 1-5 oktober 2014 blev en stark framgång.

Tillsammans med omkring 40 medarbetare från olika länder delades det ut mer än

17 000 Biker Biblar. Merparten av dem var tyska, men även NT i många andra språk delades ut under mässan. Vi är tacksamma för det goda samarbetet med kristna bikerklubbar runt om i Europa. Nästa INTERMOT blir 2016.